Practice Specialties


ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a common psychiatric disorder in children and adolescents in which there are significant of attention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity. It is currently affecting about 3-5% of children globally and is diagnosed in about 2-16% of school-aged children. Management of ADHAD usually involves some combination of counseling, changes in lifestyle, and medication.


Depression is classified as a state of low mood and an aversion to activities. This disorder can greatly affect a person’s thoughts, behaviors and feelings and limit senses of wellbeing. People suffering from depression often times feel sad, anxious, empty, irritable, restless, or hopeless. They may experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problems concentrating, making decisions, or remembering details. A depressed mood may not necessarily be resulting of a psychiatric disorder, but a reaction to life events. Management of depression is a combination of therapy and medication.


Anxiety is a psychological a physiological state of inner turmoil and nervous behavior. It is the feeling of worry or dread that is often accompanied by restlessness, fatigue, concentration problems, and muscular tension. Fear is felt about something that is realistically threatening, however anxiety is an overreaction to a situation that is only subjectively perceived as menacing.


Posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a severe condition that can develop when a person is exposed to traumatic events. This includes sexual assault, serious injury, or the threat of death or injury. People who suffer from PTSD may experience disturbing recurring flashbacks, avoidance or numbing memories of the traumatic event, and hyperarousal or high levels of anxiety, which continue for more than a month after the event. Management and treatment for PTSD typically includes a combination of therapy and medication.


Anger management is training for temper control and developing the skill of remaining calm. Some popular anger management techniques include relaxation techniques, cognitive restructuring, problem solving, and improving communication strategies.


Bi-polar disorder is a mental illness that where people experience episodes of a frenzzied mood known as mania, alternating iwth episodes of depression. People suffering from this mood disorder can experience episodes with different levels of severity. Managemtent and treatment of Bi-Polar Disorder typically involves therapy in combination with medication.


Mood disorders are a group of diagnoses where there is a disturbance in a person's mood. These disorders can range from depressive disorders to manic or hypomanic depression. Mood disorders can also be induced by substances or can happen in response to a medical condition. Treatmetn of mood disorders includes medication and therapy, such as Cogniive Behavior Therapy.


Psychological trauma is a type of damage to the psyche that can occur following a severely distressing event. Not all people will react the same after a similar traumatic event, but people often have certain symptoms and problems afterwards. Symptoms may include flasbacks, nightmares, emotional detachment, depression, and others are common consequences of trauma.


Psychological stress is the feeling of strain or pressure. People suffering from stress will often feel overwhelmed, irritable, insecure, nervous and experience social withdrawal, loss of appetite, exhaustion and other physical manifestations.


Management of chronic medical illness helps patients with chronc health conditions understand their condition and help them successfully live with it. Working towards chronic care management involves motivating patients to persist in the necessary therapies for them to achieve an ongoing and reasonable quality of life.




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